Solderability Testing & Solutions Inc.
We are considered by our clients as the premiere failure analysis laboratory for the electronics industry.
Our knowledge base and expertise extends from base metal selection for components through final assembly of electronics module.
We have on hands experience in the manufacture of lead frames and connectors, precious metal contacts, components, PWB's and PWA's.
this provides us a unique insight and experience in understanding the route cause of the failure.
Our Services
Testing & Analysis
Machine Sales
Flux and Board Sales

Testing & Analysis
While most test laboratories are extremely competent, they lack the knowledge to interpret the results and offer solutions to resolve the issue. Solderability Testing & Solutions Inc. can offer you solutions! Our testing and analysis service is divided into Bare Board, Components, and Completed Assemblies. While our specialty is PWB’s, PWA’s, and Component Interconnect Issues, we also perform Full Board Analysis to 6012/IPC 600. We continue to develop our skills in electronic component and metallurgical analysis, reverse engineering and failure analysis. We have extensive contacts throughout the Electronics Industry and can facilitate all forms of testing, analysis, and certification.
We are a full service Process Validation and Failure Analysis laboratory. We do not perform electrical function testing but almost everything else is possible. If we cannot do it in our lab we use third party labs that we have verified competent to perform the task. (We add a management charge when using subcontracted laboratories that covers time, shipment and payment costs). Our expertise lies in establishing the correct test parameters and interpretation of the test results produced by these laboratories. If you have a request for analysis that is out of our field we may be able to point you in the right direction

Machine Sales
We are one of the few suppliers in the United States of quality solderability and testing machines. We provide both sales and service of solderability testing equipment and ion contaminometers.
Microtronic MV GMBH LBT 210 Wetting Balance
Microtronic ConTTest containminometers
Specifications include: Incoming inspection of all types of components – SMD’s, PCB Test Coupons, for quantitative and comparative Solderability measurements.
In total compliance with international standards and specifications:
MIL ST o 883 D
I.E.C. 68-2-69

We recognize with the continuing shift to offshore procurement and manufacturing of electronics, there is a serious decline in technological knowledge available to troubleshoot manufacturing and assembly issues. For example, we can look at a complete bill of material and determine the root cause for any interconnect issues and performance. We also perform plant audits for clients.